Friends Who Care: Girls’ Home Support – We worked with the Ministry of Social Affairs and the girls to understand what they needed most.

 We worked with the Ministry of Social Affairs and the girls to understand what they needed most. The premises needed repairs, painting and furniture. The girls needed stimulation. We proposed a library and a gym which were eagerly accepted.

The Administration wanted the Visitor's reception rooms to be painted to give a good impression to the community. Our members raised funds from donors and a contractor offered their services for free. Our members contributed by conducting a book drive and we bought desks, chairs, bookshelves for the library. Another member was able to get a company to pay for the fit out of the Gym and still another member was able to get 6 notebook computers donated. Our members plan on giving Confidence Training, Etiquette training and computer training. As the ministry allows, we plan on creating a Book Club too.